
Czech freedom fighters celebrated the Victory Day together with Volgograd residents


Czech freedom fighters celebrated the Victory Day together with Volgograd residents

On May 9 and 10, a delegation of the Czech Freedom Fighters' Union (ČSBS) from the city of Ústí nad Labem joined in the Victory Day celebrations held in Volgograd: made up of three valiant people, it was led by the Chair of the Union's regional branch Ms. Jelena Vičanová.

To meet their goal of being in Volgograd on May 9, the Czech delegation had to spend over 18 hours on the Latvian-Russian border! Still, already the next morning upon their arrival, the valiant group was climbing the Mamaev Kurgan, visiting the "Stalingrad Battle" panorama museum and meeting with the most active members of the Volgograd regional branch of the "Russian Peace Foundation". The latter included the branch's Chair Mr. Yuri Starovatykh, an Honorary Citizen of Volgograd Ms. Helvi Lattu and the Head of the "Volgograd-Ostrava" Friendship Society Ms. Lidia Kotova.

In addition to the friendly greetings, the ČSBS delegation brought to Volgograd excellent news about the restoration of the monument to Soviet soldiers in Ústí nad Labem, which they carried out jointly with Volgograd partners. The money for the project was raised by the "Nasledie" social projects foundation and the Volgograd regional branch of the Russian Military Historical Society, and the Czech Union of Freedom Fighters itself acted as a contractor for the restoration works and the beautification of the adjacent territory.

Before that, Jelena Vičanová and Radim Litterbach had already successfully renovated other monuments to Red Army soldiers – in Ústí nad Labem, Brzezno Male and Foitovice. In those cases, the financial help had also been provided by local and reginal authorities and donated by Czech citizens. For their contribution to the preservation of the memory about the fallen defenders of the Motherland, the ČSBS activists received an award from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The latter international events have complicated the work of the Czech Freedom Fighters' Union, but Jelena Vičanová does not let herself be discouraged:

"Right now, personal visits are perhaps the only remaining opportunity to build bridges across all the obstacles that stand between us. Therefore, next time, on February 2 and on the occasion of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad, we will come to Volgograd with a larger group!"

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