60 years of cooperation with Turin – highlights of the anniversary
This year, Volgograd has celebrated anniversaries of cooperation with several sister-cities at once, and today we celebrate all persons and establishments who have been taking part in the joint projects with Turin. Which go as follows…
In May 2021, Volgograd and Turin have exchanged exhibitions of photographs online.
From Volgograd to Italy, a collection of photos was dispatched made by Mr. Sergey Zheltov, a reporter of the "Gorodskiye Vesti" municipal newspaper. And the "Volgograd as a capital of people's diplomacy" Internet platform displayed 30 photos collected by Turin Photo Archive.
Little painters from Turin were awarded certificates of merit at the "Volgograd: a City of Warm Vibes" International Children Art Competition organized by Volgograd Regional Children Art Gallery and dedicated to Volgograd's sister and partner-cities.
Turin musical bands have shared the recordings of their performances on Volgograd's internet pages, thus starting a new project "The Music Beat of My City". These videos are still available on the "Volgograd as a capital of people's diplomacy" Internet portal.