
9 movies featuring Volgograd’s sister-cities


9 movies featuring Volgograd’s sister-cities

During the New Year holidays, we talked in our Instagram about a series of movies dealing with Volgograd's sister and partner-cities. Thanks to your comments and replies, this list nearly doubled. Proud and thankful to our subscribers, we present to you an updated article!

During the New Year holidays, we talked in our Instagram about a series of movies dealing with Volgograd's sister and partner-cities. Thanks to your comments and replies, this list nearly doubled. Proud and thankful to our subscribers, we present to you an updated article!


The Elfkins (Die Heinzels), 2019

There are some European fairy tales that feature a very specific kind of elves: the ones that assists craftsmen and artists in their work. This animated cartoon centers around exactly them: the little people living in a baker's house in Cologne… where a brand-new confectionary factory has just opened. The elves are determined to save their friend's small business. Will the power of magic stand its ground against market economy?


Truffaldino from Bergamo, 1977

A brilliant screen adaptation of "The Servant of Two Masters" play by Carl Goldon, in which the main character is a resourceful lad that was on the front edge of "multi-jobbing" even before this concept was actually invented. Prepare for sword fighting, lots of songs and witty banter.

The protagonist of the movie is, of course, from Bergamo, but both his masters arrived from the all-familiar Turin.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier, 2014

Or we could also recommend to you the 2007's "Spiderman", the 2012's "Avengers", and the 8th issue of "Fast and Furious" as a well as a good number of other superhero movies. Why? Because the city that you see in many of them under the name of New York, is actually our sister-city from Ohio – Cleveland!

What makes it so attractive to moviemakers? Hours of lower traffic, streets with similar architecture, and lower taxes.


Love Me If You Dare (Jeux d'enfants), 2003

A black comedy with the elements of drama, centered around the "I dare you" game that the main characters have been playing for many years, with their stakes constantly rising. Will they be able to stop before it's too late?

Among the decorations featuring in the background of the most heart wrenching events, one may notice the Aquarium Museum of the University of Liege.


Madras, I Love You (Madrasapattinam), 2010

In this movie, the main character return to India after many years, to reconnect with the man in whom she had been in love during her youth. At that time, the young lovers were separated by class differences and the War for Independence, but what plays against them today is the time itself: the main heroine is slowly dying from a vascular disease…

The titular Madras is what our sister-city Chennai used to be named.


American Cuisine (Cuisine Américaine), 1988

An ex-marine from the US decides to start a new life by becoming a professional chef. To train for the new profession, he moves to Dijon, the capital of the famous Burgundy, to become a student of a local restaurant owner.

Due to the student's enthusiasm and the mentor's difficult personality, what follows is more like the Black Mumba's training under Pei Mei, but definitely not "Emily in Paris".

But fear not, it is a comedy!


Lady Godiva of Coventry, 1955

This (almost) historical drama reinvents the legend of Lady Godiva, but the only thing left of it is the episode in which the main heroine rides naked through the streets of the town.

Yet, the main additions of the plot will draw the attention of anyone who loved "Ivanhoe" and "Rodin Hood": in the filmmakers' rendition, Lady Godiva joins in the fight among the brave Saxons and Norman conquerors!


Our Gang (Parta Hic), 1977

Believe it or not, but this is a comedy about silicosis – a professional and potentially deadly disease often affecting miners.

The story takes place in our Czech sister-city of Ostrava. It is there that our main character, an aspiring doctor, relocates in the very beginning. Her task is to introduce unimpressed miners to the idea of a healthy lifestyle and talk them into drinking milk instead of beer. A mission that's practically impossible…


Lady Godiva: Back in the Saddle, 2007

This is the movie filmed in Coventry and about Coventry by its natives.

It takes place during the present day, and center around a group of social activists bent on stopping the crime lords from building a casino at the historic site where the famous Lady Godiva made its famous ride! 

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