

Hiroshima is primarily famous as the first city in the human history to be subjected to an atomic bombing. Just like Volgograd, it was founded in 1589, nearly completely destroyed during World War 2 and fully restored since.

By rising from the nuclear ashes, Hiroshima defied the gloomy expectations that “not a single blade of grass would grow” on the place of explosion – today, it is a green and prosperous city.

The main museum in Hiroshima is the Peace Memorial Museum, its most popular park is the Peace Memorial Park, and the street annually adorned with the colorful Flower Festival parade gathering up to two million participants each May, is called the Boulevard of Peace.

Despite the sizeable distance between them, Volgograd and Hiroshima are actively cooperating in the area of youth policy and peace education. Friendly relations have been connecting our cities since 1972. And in 2020, a regional branch of the “Russia – Japan” Society was opened in Volgograd.

1965 - пионеры лагеря «Орленок» Волгоградской области на встрече с членами японской делегации.jpg
1987 - в Волгоград привозят Колокол мира из Хиросимы.jpg
1987 - встреча японской делегации на 15-летии побратимства.jpg
2012 - участники Международной молодежной конференции за мирное будущее в Волгограде.JPG
2013 - участники Международной молодежной конференции за мирное будущее в Хиросиме.JPG
2015 - представитель Хиросимы на  форуме «Политические решения и устойчивое развитие территорий».JPG
2016 - чтецы-лекторы из Хиросимы в МОУ лицей №5 Волгограда.jpg

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