

Chennai (earlier known as Madras) is a large city port in the south of India and center of the Tamil Nadu state. 

Chennai has a long and eventful history: this part of the country had attracted seafarers from Portugal and Holland, British and French colonizer and representatives of the East India Company who would build here its fortified settlements.

All these events have left their imprint in the culture and architecture of Chennai, where thousand-years-old Hindu cathedral exist together with Catholic churches, and administrative buildings of the Colonial Period – with modern-day skyscrapers.

Volgograd and Chennai have been twinned since 1967. 

1968 - Протокол дружбы между Волгоградом и Мадрасом (Ченнаи).jpg
1980 - президент Индии Нилам Санжив Редди на Мамаевом Кургане.jpg
2013 - Джанаки Кришнан из Ченнаи на форуме «Диалог без границ» в Волгограде.JPG
2013 - телемост между Волгоградом и Ченнаи.JPG
2014 - индийские участники программы «Новое поколение» в Волгограде.JPG

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