

Ruse is the largest Bulgarian port on the Danube River. Its profitable geographic location has accounted for the city’s economic and political growth throughout the most of its history. 

As far as in the 1st century B.C., the Romans had erected in the city’s territory a wharf and a fortified settlement, the ruins of which would later, in the 9th century, became the foundation for the new fortress – erected by the Bulgarians themselves and titled Ruse. Later, during almost five centuries, the city would pose as a military, administrative and trade center of the Ottoman Empire, and after its liberation – become a beautiful port city with elegant architecture.

The twinning relations between Volgograd and Ruse were established in 2001. Partnership also connects Volgograd’s “Olympia” Lyceum and Ruse’s “St. Cyril’s (Constantine the Philosopher’s)”School.

1946 - делегация болгарской молодежи на заводе Красный Октябрь.jpg
1956 - Болгарская парламентская делегация на СТЗ в механосборочном цехе.jpg
1956 - болгарская парламентская делегация на СТЗ у большого конвейера.jpg
1965 - председатель Народного собрания Болгарии Георгий Тройков на Мамаевом кургане.jpg
1974 - делегация Народного собрания Болгарии у Дома Павлова.jpg
2012 - участники из Русе на Международной молодежной конференции в Волгограде.JPG

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