

Coventry and Volgograd are widely viewed as the founders of the international twinning movement. The friendly relations between them were established in 1944.

The longtime friendship between Stalingrad and Coventry was given a start by their residents. During World War 2 they exchanged telegrams and letters of support, because their cities were so very much alike: well-developed industries, similar size, severe hardships… Both Stalingrad and Coventry were nearly erased from the earth’s surface due by Nazi bombs, and yet the two cities withstood all difficulties and rose from the ashes.

Today, the two cities are cooperating in the area of culture and education, as well as jointly taking part in the activities by the International Association of Peace Messenger Cities. Volgograd has a street named after Coventry, and Coventry, in 2019, had a Volgograd Place open in its city center.

1967 - посадка деревьев английской делегацией города Ковентри на Мамаевом кургане в знак дружбы.jpg
1984 - лорд-мэр Ковентри г-н Уолтер Брэндиш на Волгоградском тракторном заводе.jpg
2010 - Сталинградская скатерть (ответный подарок из Волгограда).jpg
2015 - живой символ Ковентри Леди Годива в Совете женщин.JPG
2016 - профессор Озердем из Университета Ковентри на круглом столе Форума общественной дипломатии в Волгограде.jpg
2018 - открытие Площади Ковентри в Волгограде.jpg

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