

Coat of arms
Maardu (Republic of Estonia)

2008 - the signing of the Agreement on Partnership between Krasnoarmeiskiy district of Volgograd City and the City Office of Maardu; 2010 - the signing of the Additional Protocol to the Agreement.

Situated in the geographical region historically considered to be the cradle of Estonian civilization, Maardu borders Tallinn in the west and can boast having the country’s largest international sea port within its territory.

Volgograd and Maardu have been cooperating since 2008.

The focus of cooperation is the area of culture, and the music bands representing both cities have repeatedly exchanged invitations to the festivals held on the occasion of historical and celebratory dates.

2010 - ветеран из Маарду на праздновании 65-летия Победы под Сталинградом.jpg
2014 - открытие в Маарду выставки о международном сотрудничестве Волгограда.jpg
2020 - «Лазоревый цветок» на благотворительном фестивале в Маарду.jpg
2020 - жители Маарду - участники флэшмоба «Песня Победы».jpg

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