Dialogue on the Volga

Forum events

“If I were the mayor of my city…”


“If I were the mayor of my city…”

Probably, the most unusual round table within the frame of the "Dialogue on the Volga" Forum was held in Volgograd City Hall on November 1. Its experts were aged 12 to 17 years.

The topic "Children Diplomacy. New vision" united participants from Volgograd, Sebastopol, Samara, Revda and Volgograd's twin-cities in England, France, Finland, Japan, Italy and Belarus.

Having put themselves into the shoes of their cities; mayors, the young experts discussed what makes a city happy; what young people can do to improve international relations; and how the friendship between countries can be strengthened.

To answer the last question, a whole number of projects had been suggested.

- To make a series of books to make up a whole library dedicated to the participating cities, which would feature the most interesting and meaningful facts about their geography, culture and natural history.

- To establish a world-wide flash mob in which participants would pass among them a paper crane – a symbol of peace.

- To create an online platform where children and youths from all around the world would meet and make friends…

Do you want to find out which of these projects will be realized in future? Follow  the news on the website of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization for the holistic development of children and young adults "Eurasian Kids Society", whom we also thank for the photos!

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